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Pronounced Folk :-)
FolchLab Picture Gallery
Follow us on Instagram @ folch_lab_art !!!!

The FolchLabArt program started with a set of Picasa Web Galleries on March 2007. Initially, these galleries were meant to be simple repositories of beautiful images that were sitting dormant on our hard drives. We just wanted to share them with the world and Google generously provided us with the space. Please click on any of the squares below and start browsing / downloading (yes they are free!) :-) (We only ask that you acknowledge us if you use them.) Enjoy!
You may use these images and movies for anything, even for commercial purposes, as long as you acknowledge us. Typically "Image courtesy of the Folch lab" is good enough for a presentation, but for a printed book, we ask that you let us know ahead of time so we can keep track and we can acknowledge the name of the student that participated in the work and the title of the work. (Yes, each baby has a name!)
We are flattered that our images and videos are used in all corners of the world for didactic purposes. Please keep using them (and let us know)!
For example, our images have been used for the cover of a book by Kleinstreuer (an image by Chris Neils) and for the brochures of three international microfluidics conferences where I was invited, every time independently of the brochure: one in Leiden (Holland) in 2010 (a beautiful picture of a mixer by Greg Cooksey) and one in Heidelberg (Germany) in 2012 (a collage titled "Chromatic Labyrinth" based on a picture taken by David Cate). The Heidelberg conference, organized by EMBL, has adopted the image for the 2014 conference as well. It is very rewarding to see one of our images ending up on everyone's hands and retinas hundreds of times. This is the best reward for our work!

A few years ago, the UW Molecular Engineering PhD program asked us to help them design their recruiting brochure:

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